
Access to the woodland field will continue to be restricted for now to allow the newly planted trees to become established.  Thank you for your understanding.

Aerial Views Here

Dingwall Community Woodland is a Voluntary Association established in January 2021. The project began when Knockbain Farm proposed to the community of Dingwall to transform one of their fields, on the west side of the town, into a woodland that would benefit the local community and wildlife.

A consultation survey was made available to the public in October 2020, to understand if the community would like this project to go ahead, how they would like to get involved, and their ideas for what they would like to see in a community woodland. 


Over 180 people responded and 100% of respondents were in favour of the project going ahead. You can read the consultation response here: DCW Consultation 2020.




Since then, the project has been organised by a group of eight residents from the town who are particularly passionate about the idea. These eight people form the steering group

In Jul 2023 we became a charitable organisation.

Our charity name is : Dingwall Community Woodland  SCIO Number SC052712.

To find out more about the plans for the woodland, visit the ‘Proposal’ page

The purpose of the community woodland is:

● To promote biodiversity by rewilding the field and providing more natural resources in the area to support wildlife.
● To help in the fight against climate change by planting native broadleaf species and shrubs which store carbon.
● For recreational activity by providing a new place for people to walk, run, cycle and play outdoors.
● For education and learning by encouraging schools, families and individuals to use the space for outdoor learning about nature.
● To provide a place for the community to come together day-to-day and for events.
● To provide a place for green therapy in the town where people can connect with nature and benefit from the physical, emotional and mental impacts of this.

The Green area on the map below indicates the proposed new woodland.